Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia
July 7, 2018 (UKBI Singapore)
UKBI 2018 (Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia) is the official Indonesian language proficiency test in both oral and written. This is the only official test from Indonesian government. UKBI tests the usage of Indonesian language in different modes of communication and language style. They can range from informal daily conversation to formal written communication used in media, public, textbooks, etc.
There are five sections in UKBI; Multiple choice questions (Sections I, II, and III), Writing (Section IV), and Speaking (Section V).
Saturday, 7 July 2018
10am – 2.30pm
KBRI Singapura (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Singapore)
7 Chatsworth Rd, Singapore 249761
Registration Fees
WIN shopping vouchers and invitation to diplomatic reception in this UKBI!
UKBI Preparation Class
If you’re interested to find out what UKBI looks like and to prepare for this test, we offer the private UKBI Preparation Class at your home/office (flexible timing). For more information and to register, please contact us.
UKBI Preparation Book (Latihan Soal UKBI)
Get the book for only $35 nett, inclusive of FREE CD for the listening section.
Further Questions
Call us at 68389011/31122234
Register Now (Last day 30 June 2018)